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Information Terrorism

By Mariana-Ana Bulmez, Ovidius University of Constanţa - Doctoral School of Humanities Sciences.


We live in an era of technology and information. The information that reaches the individual is received and processed by him from his own perspective. The spreading of information is done through the Internet that creates unlimited email communication by means of the personal internet page, blog, vlog or Twitter through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. Information is a source of power and more and more people have access to it as computer and communication costs decrease. The toughest attacks occur in the virtual space: cybercriminals hackers and offenders cause damage of billions of dollars to governments and businesses. This space of bits, megabits and gigabits, resembles the Russian dolls, Matryoshka: a reality always conceals another reality, another image is behind a picture, and the kernel from which it is started is often the final product. The opinion campaigns are taken over as consumer products, and the abuse comes from the advertising vocabulary: “a new market has opened”. More recently, Blogging and Vlogging have become tools that allow anyone to directly send messages to anyone who is willing to “listen to them” and at the same time get reactions from the listeners, representing a direct interaction, going many times as far as recruiting followers. Unfortunately, this world of simulation, mixture of information and illusion, gives birth to false opinion leaders. Words and pictures become weapons that kill more often than not. As modern society has evolved, the definition of terrorism has become increasingly complex. It all started with the political assassination and terrorising of the population, reaching complex forms such as the identity theft, digital manipulation and last, but not least recruitment. The countries directly targeted at and not only, took action to combat cyber terrorism.

Keywords: digital terrorism, blog, information warfare, strategy, cooperation

Suggested Citation:

Bulmez, Mariana-Ana, Information Terrorism (December 31, 2018). Romanian Journal of Historical Studies, Volume I – Issue 2 / 2018 . Available at SSRN:


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