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Managing terrorism: clear answers.
Dr. NÃ Aolain and Dr. Campbell offer an innovate approach about how the UK is managing terrorism, whether the current anti-terrorism...

ISIS's capabilities today: a United Nations overview
This article summarizes the Seventh “Report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and...

Al Qaeda: past, present and future since the 1998 attacks in West Africa
The fall of the Caliphate has given al Qaeda chances to evolve. How is the terrorist group now after the bombings in West Africa? What...

New UK counter-terrorism strategy: CONTEST
The UK has published a new strategy reinforcing the prevention, cooperation and the links between private and public sector. This...

How the United Nations prevents violent extremism: Action Plan
This document gathers the most relevant measures included in the UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism (PVE), Report of the...

The impact of ISIS and its affiliated organisations
The physical caliphate has been defeated, but what is the impact of ISIS over the world now? Check this overview to know more about the...

Understanding the war in Syria
Why is the Syrian war so complex? Who are the main countries involved and which are their agendas? What triggered the war in Syria?...

EU counter-terrorism strategy: why it doesn't work
Main pillars, gaps and fields to improve to fight terrorism in the EU. The EU strategy under the radar. How does the EU fight against...

Understanding the Coalition against ISIS
How many people have been liberated since 2014? What are the main steps to follow in Iraq and Syria? The key questions to understand the...

Iran and terrorism after the US nuclear deal withdrawal
What is the relation between Iran and terrorism? Is it possible to negotiate a new deal? Check out the answers. What is the link between...

ISIS financing: setbacks and new sources of incomes
UN Member states are fighting and disrupting ISIS flow of money. Which steps have been taken? ISIS is losing incomes and weakening the...

EU measures to tackle foreign fighters
Data sharing, border control, counter radicalisation plans, cyberspace security and firearms among the most effective measures taken by...

USA counter-terrorism policy: Dr. Donna Starr-Deelen
Donna Starr discusses about USA counter-terrorism from Bush to Trump, highlighting the main lines of actions, mistakes made and the...

Richard Barrett, Senior Vice-President at The Soufan Group
Richard Barrett discusses about foreign fighters in Europe and explains how the EU is acting in the fight against terrorism besides its...

Jean-Paul Laborde, Former Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN CT Committee
We discuss about the most important UN steps against terrorism and how to combat terrorism financing with the current tools and how to...
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